February: self-love days 4-10

Here’s the prompts for this week. If you’d like a gentle reminder each and every day, follow me on Instagram and these gentle nudges will appear on your feed.

I’ve been using a free yoga app to do 10 minutes of yoga each evening, sometimes my 6 year old joins me. We’ve both been sleeping better, so it’s worth trying.

Lots of veg, some lean protein and a bit of time pottering in the kitchen. Good for you in so many ways!

I made a list in my bullet journal of the things I could do instead of picking up my phone and scrolling mindlessly. I then took a photo of my list a made it my lock screen wallpaper to stop me in my tracks!

Don’t put yourself under pressure to fall asleep straight away. Read, snuggle, or listen to a podcast and relax.

Use all your lotions and potions to spend some time giving yourself a facial.

There’s lots of good apps for this. I use one called ‘Smiling Mind’ – it’s a freebie!

Put all electronics down and chill out.

This is part of a series of posts throughout the month. The idea isn’t to challenge yourself to complete the whole month (and then beat yourself up about it when you miss a day) but to give you some friendly encouragement to look after and celebrate yourself in an easy and accessible way.

Come back next Sunday for the next instalment.

Picture credit: <a href=’https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/pink-background-with-white-hearts-on-lines_1001209.htm’>Designed by Renata.s</a>

2 thoughts on “February: self-love days 4-10

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